Puli Breeders
Add a Puli puppy to your life; you won't regret it!
Breeders listed below are members in good standing with Puli Canada and have paid a listing fee. Puli Canada does not endorse, recommend, certify, guarantee the service or the quality of the dogs.
Immerzu Puli Kennel Perm. Reg'dTerry & Stephanie Horan14924 Hwy 6Wallace Ridge, NS B0K 1E0(902) 257-1143
Sherwood Sari Puli Kennel
Dr. Katalin Sari, PhD., P.Biol. 437 Davenport PlaceSherwood Park, AB T8H 1R9(825) 440-1264Sherwood Sari Puli Kennel on Facebook